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How much does a Robux cost?

In an X post made by Bloxy News, the new Robux prices were showcased as $6.49 USD for 550 Robux, $12.49 USD for 1,150 Robux, $21.49 USD for 2,050 Robux, $51.99 USD for 5,000 Robux, $96.99 USD for 9,600 Robux, and $194.99 USD for 21,500 Robux, but many other players have found that their account shows different prices.

Why does Roblox price increase?

I just wanted to ask if Im the only one who has noticed the increase of price in all Roblox catalog. The more snooping I did I also found out that the reason for increase on Roblox catalog is because creators were making cheap hair and face accessories in the accessories catalog because pricing is lower.

How much Robux do you get if you buy 88 options?

Robux lowered their “prices”, however, they also lowered the amount of robux you get by more. I used to buy $200 with premium, and get 25k (1 robux per cent), now it’s 1.23 robux per cent with the 194.99 option. Not the biggest difference, and if I buy 5 of the “88” options, I’m missing out on a little over 500 robux per purchase.

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